Online Merchants Guild Year-End Fundraiser

2021 has been a time of great challenges for Guild members and the 3P Merchant community as a whole. Multiple states continue to pursue small businesses for back sales taxes owed by Amazon, while others have moved to make arguments that out-of-state sellers owe income taxes as well.

However, the year has also seen some encouraging changes as well. Both Congress and the FTC have expressed interest in standing up for small businesses by regulating anticompetitive actions taken by Amazon and we have positive ongoing conversations with them both.

Looking back on 2021 the Guild is proud of what we have accomplished with your support. However, we see multiple ways that we can do more for the community in the coming year. To make this a reality we have an aggressive goal.

To raise $100,000 by the end of the year.

Frankly, we need your help and can’t meet this goal without you. In a year where funding has never been leaner and needs have never been more significant, I am asking you to make a gift now. Since our inception in 2018, we have led the charge to educate legislators – which resulted in Amazon facing serious legislative scrutiny, aggressively pursued targeted legal action at both the state and federal level to protect sellers from state overreach, and are daily on the frontlines lobbying for a “Merchants Bill of Rights and Responsibilities.” As we show up and fight for you every day, our vision is:

To advocate for sellers and help them thrive in an environment free of excessive regulation

Your gift will:

Help pay for current, mounting attorney fees;
Ensure proper placement of sales tax liability and back tax litigation;
Fund frontline efforts of legislation that affects your bottom line.

We know that this time of the year is busy, but it is also prosperous, and there is no better time to invest today to ensure that next year brings continued financial success. In order to continue serving our members and the community at large we need your support. At this moment, more than ever, we need you to Give your very best gift ever via the form below.


Please Note: Per the IRS, Contributions to section 501(c)(6) organizations such as the Online Merchants Guild are not deductible as charitable contributions on the donor’s federal income tax return. They may be deductible as trade or business expenses if ordi­nary and necessary in the conduct of the taxpayer’s business. If you have any questions about the deductibility of your donations and/or membership, please consult your CPA/Tax professional.